A mininum commitment of 3 weekly sessions.
1 hr
Video or Phone call
Prices Vary
1:1 weekly sessions. We will discern your goals, strategy, and uncover blocks to success. There is no “typical” session or regimented program to adhere to. It’s simply about being present and proactive with your life, now. But we may design a structured program if needed or Coach or Client find that it would be most effective.

A 2-6 month commitment designed to create sustainable change.
Prices Vary
Video or Phone call
1 hr 15 min
1:1 intensive session exploring blocks that may be preventing you from success and optimal well-being. A focus on gaining insight, understanding, and constructive feedback that you can then immediately apply to any life situation. Bundles include Coach being available over text for continuous support.

Prices Vary
Video Conference
1 hr 30 min
For any two people looking to explore actionable steps and making positive changes in their relationship dynamic. A consultation including both parties will be required. Sessions may be intensive and will require both parties involved to be willing and open to discuss difficult issues and topics. Coach's objectivity and openness are paramount, and both will be strongly present during sessions.